
President:  Welcome

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FSSG:  Our Beloved School

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempor vestibulum est, sit amet porta dui ultrices quis. Nullam at cursus neque. Aliquam cursus sollicitudin facilisis. Aenean et augue odio. Cras consequat, eros et egestas posuere, mauris enim viverra mi, in dignissim risus massa et arcu. Mauris dictum, neque sit amet vehicula commodo, ipsum lorem varius ligula, eu eleifend sapien purus hendrerit odio. 


Our Vision, Mission, and Values


1.  To work in close cooperation with the Board of Trustees, the Principal and Staff of the Freetown Secondary School for Girls for the furtherance of the academic and social activities of the School, and the maintenance of discipline among its pupils.

2.  To promote unity and cooperation among all Ex-Pupils of the School.

3.  To engage in regular fundraising for the support and maintenance of the Freetown Secondary School for Girls.


Who We Are


The FSSG Alumni Association Washington Metropolitan Branch comprises of a group of concerned FSSGians who play an active role in supporting the school.

The Freetown Secondary School for Girls (FSSG) was founded on January 20, 1926. From its location in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, it has successfully educated thousands of girls across Africa.

Unlike other schools of its time, the school has a unique beginning as one of the first non-parochial, non-governmental schools started by Africans. This was the dream of the late Mrs. Hannah Benka-Coker, its founder and first vice principal.

The first principal was Mrs. Maise Osora, whose ideas were similar to those of Mrs. Hannah Benka-Coker for the new school. Mrs. Benka-Coker, together with nine others, six of them, women, contributed £25 (twenty-five pounds sterling), a total of £250 (two hundred and fifty) pounds sterling to start the brand “new society” school, as it was coined.

Our Completed Projects:  Staff Room, Health Center, and Science Building 

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